Knoxville Paralegal Services

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KPS In 2021

Brooke M. Govert, Founder of KPS

Hello!! 👋🏻The KPS community is growing like W I L D so I figured it was time to hop on here and update you all on KPS and-well, myself. 

➡️It is no fun to allow your social media manager to have all the fun on here! 😜

KPS has been extremely busy in 2020 and 2021 with getting law firms set up to operate virtually. F I N A L L Y! We’ve got some big things happening this year: 

💥KPS turns T H R E E 🎉

💥We’ve hit a record high of N E W clients

💥R E T E N T I ON of clients is solid

💥The team has G R O W N to 10 

💥We have 5 ⭐️ Reviews Across the Board

12 Random Things You May Not Know About Me:

⭐️My Favorite Color is P I N K

⭐️I was a 1 Sport Varsity Athlete

⭐️I Could Have Walked On To UTK Cheer but Chose The “Legal” Profession Instead

⭐️I Was The Youngest “Shark” Cheerleader To Have Made it to Nationals In Florida-See Premier Athletics Shark Team

⭐️I Am A Horse Lover-Hunter/Jumper

⭐️I’ve Been Married 18 Years

⭐️I Have a 17 yo Daughter-whom I Adore

⭐️Communication is My Jam

⭐️I Don’t Beat Around The Bush

⭐️I L O V E To Travel

⭐️ I Want To Be Anywhere There Is Water

⭐️ I Believe Experiencing Different Cultures is Far More Educational Than Sitting In A Classroom

Tell Me If Any Of These Things Relate To You!