Working Remotely and COVID-19

Working Remotely and COVID-19

We all thought that the year 2020 was going to be a SPECTACULAR year when we rang it in, in January!

The year started off, for me, very motivating to intertwine some “new” into my business. My business goal for 2020 was to focus more on the marketing side of things. The reason for this goal was to introduce to the legal world that “hey, legal files can be manipulated virtually-we do not need those accordion file folders full of papers, or the banker’s boxes full of case info!” That was my goal for 2020: to make the legal world aware of how a virtual paralegal can help attorneys.

Little did I know; as I was working remotely in Naples, FL on March 13th that a pandemic would be taking over forcing ALL people to temporarily work remotely; if given the opportunity from their employer. COVID-19 rocked worlds of many people. People got sick. People died. People continue to get sick. People continue to die. It is a very sad, horrific cycle of madness. My heart goes out to people who may be currently suffering or that has lost a loved one during this time.

For me, I already worked virtually. Due to COVID-19, it FORCED attorneys to try to figure out how to work remotely. In my poll of attorneys: Some hate it. Some love it. The ones that love it; they were already either a) fully set up to work remotely or b) figuring out how much easier it is to have access to all your important case information at your fingertips! The ones that hate it; they are the ones that either a) have a dungeon filled with the bankers boxes or b) are not technologically savvy.

There is a POSITIVE for the legal world that COVID-19 has taught, are you ready for this? Might want to sit down.

This paper driven legal world CAN and IS able to operate virtually!

It is scary, I know. Meetings are taking place via Zoom. Court hearings are taking place via Zoom. It is simply amazing! It can be done, thankfully due to technology.

In Knoxville, the criminal court system was doing a “catch and release” for any misdemeanors (excluding DUI and Domestic Assaults) and certain felonies; therefore, avoiding more jail overcrowding. Clerks are allowing more emails as a form of communication/filings; therefore, cutting down on TREES! There I said it. These are all positives for our court system.

I have had MORE new clients reach out to me on their own than ever before. I am guiding these attorneys on how to operate virtually. I am assisting them in ways they didn’t realize could be done virtually. I will give you my top _____ must have Apps for working virtually:


    This app allows you to manipulate all those PDF documents. You can add pages, extract pages, bates number pages and organize pages. This is a GREAT tool to organize medical records.


This app allows you to STORE documents and send to others via a specialized link. You can share the link and it allows other users to add to the file; while everyone has updated access at all times. This is a GREAT tool to house evidence in a clean manner.


This app allows you to take a scan of any receipts and it automatically uploads it to your Wave account or stores it for future entering into your bookkeeping software. This is a GREAT tool to say “bye-bye to all those paper receipts.” Think gas, parking, etc.


This app (no matter which software you choose) allows you access to your ENTIRE case file. Documents. Correspondence. Evidence. Court dates. Calendar. Both CLIO and MyCase both have apps that give you instant case file information. This is a GREAT tool to replace the accordion files and bankers boxes.

Remember, legal world + technology= power. Power to always be prepared with all your case info right at your finger tips. Power to connect on multiple levels with clients. Power to lower the cost of your overhead.

As we move forward, I want you to not forget the things you relied upon the most during this COVID-19 pandemic and continue to utilize technology for the legal world. If you are looking for a virtual paralegal; we can assist you! Here’s my contact info:


Phone: 865.951.7029

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20 Types of Evidence You May Encounter as a Paralegal

KPS Founder, Brooke M. Govert, Volunteers at Weigel's Family Christmas