Avoid Points on Your License by Dismissing Your Speeding Ticket—Here's How (It’s easier than you think)

Avoid Points on Your License by Dismissing Your Speeding Ticket—Here's How (It’s easier than you think)

Avoid Points on Your License by Dismissing Your Speeding Ticket—Here's How (It’s easier than you think)

Getting pulled over is never fun, especially when it results in your first speeding ticket.

My college-aged daughter recently experienced this rite of passage while driving through Alabama. She is licensed in Tennessee.

The Alabama officer simply stated the speed my daughter was going and asked for her license, registration, and insurance.

My daughter proceeded to give the officer all the items asked for. He goes back to his patrol car. After some time, he approaches my daughter’s car again with a speeding citation in his hand.

He explained her CD and that she also has the option to go online and PAY for the speeding citation.

He didn't explain the long-term consequences of “just” paying the fine. Points on your license, increased insurance rates— these repercussions can follow you for years.

Rather than rushing to pay, my daughter luckily called me first. As a paralegal who specializes in criminal defense, I happen to be well-versed with legal knowledge.

However, this is why it’s SO important to know your rights. Knowledge is power when it comes to the law! 🧠

I told her we were not paying the citation and here is why:

  • What the police fail to tell you, if you pay the speeding citation, is that it will put points on your driving record and it will make your insurance premium go up.

  • The police also fail to mention all the many options associated with receiving a speeding citation-such as dismissal on costs, driving school, etc. All of which will NOT put points on your record NOR raise your insurance premium.

  • Being a TN license holder; she would have had 4 points placed on her license if she just paid the ticket. (https://www.tn.gov/safety/driver-services/reinstatements/values.html)

    • In TN; you are allowed 12 points per year on your license.

  • Drivers who accumulate twelve or more points on their driving record within any 12 month period are sent a notice of proposed suspension and given an opportunity to attend an administrative hearing. If they fail to request a hearing, their driving privileges are suspended for a period of six to 12 months.

    • Defensive driving courses are only permitted to be completed once every 5 years.

    • Authority: T.C.A. 55-50-505

    • Mandatory suspension? No

    • Suspension Length: 6 to 12 months

    • Restricted license available? Yes

So, she will NOT be paying for the ticket. She has three options to get a speeding ticket dismissed:

  1. Appear herself in court and plead “No Contest.” She will advise of it being her first ever speeding ticket and plead her case listing out ALL THE GOOD she is doing (grades, school, student athlete, etc.) in hopes for a dismissal on costs.

  2. Appear in court and obtain a dismissal upon completion of traffic school course

  3. Hire an attorney to appear on her behalf, make it “go away” upon costs or driving school.

  • Once that is complete, you’re still not done. You will have to pay your court costs (on average around $200), submit your certificate of completion of driving school (if required), and THEN: file for an expungement to remove it from your record.

Moral of the story: DON’T JUST PAY THE SPEEDING CITATION. There are options. This is what officers DO NOT want you to know. 😒🚔


If we haven’t met yet, I’m Brooke! I’m the founder of Knoxville Paralegal Services (KPS). We are a contract paralegal company based in Knoxville but serve attorneys NATIONWIDE. We handle assignments remotely and as an “on-demand” service.

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